Greetings Curvy Canada!

Over the last few years of blogging at the plus size shopping blog Five Favorite Things one of the most common requests (or complaints) is the lack of plus size shopping resources for Canadians. Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner — I do after all live in Canada — Eastern Ontario, for the curious.

Canadian-FlagI’ve finally set up a Canadian version of my plus size shopping blog with a focus on Canadian shops or shops that deliver to Canada. I haven’t pinned down the format yet but I imagine it will be similar to the original blog. At the moment this blog is also sharing the same face, except for the strategically placed flag in the upper right.

I’m looking forward to expanding my merchant list and hoping you will too.

Happy shopping!

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You are beautiful!

Customizable plus size dresses, tops, and bottoms from eShakti.

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