Plus Size Sweaters

I was looking at Addition-Elle’s plus size holiday collection and I got distracted by their sweaters. We do live in Canada after all and it’s already hard to think about anything that doesn’t have some kind of sleeve. I found a lot faves in their sweater department. Many are on for 2/$79. Here are my faves (one for every day of the week):

plus size sweaters from Addition-Elle

You’ll probably notice the same thing I did — a LOT of grey and black. I only found one bright blue sweater that I liked and the one red sweater I had mentioned a while ago. I want to know where are the chocolate, purple, beige and whites are. This is not just with Addition-Elle, I’ve noticed it at a lot of the UK stores as well. It seems we are to have a dark fall and winter. We’ll have to dress them up with bright accessories!

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* Get your own plus size sweaters from Addition-Elle

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